Anastasia Paruta-Dashko "NUANCES"

/ 28.01.2022—27.02.2022 /

In today's world our present consists of categorical opposites: good and evil, black and white ... I agree that everything is divided into such extremes, although this is not an axiom. De facto a person cannot be only good or bad. Reflecting on this, I recreated the psychological characteristics of people in the materials - the shimmer of black and the dullness of white, prickly aggression and at the same time convex tenderness ...

In order not to put marks on people - bad or evil, I urge you to think and understand why people did so. We do not do only wise and positive or only negative and reckless actions. It is impossible to pass a sentence on a person after one or two actions. It is possible that at that moment there were circumstances that closed person’s eyes to the correct reflection of objective reality, and over time she regretted the reckless act. Sometimes such mistakes seem terrible to us but sometimes they play an important role in the history of our lives.

In the same way, when we are in a sunlit space and then enter a dark room - we temporarily completely lose the ability to see, but after spending some time in the dark, we get used to it. We get used to it so much that we begin to distinguish objects, silhouettes, and over time, small details. The first moments spent in the dark can seem horrible and scary to us because of uncertainty, blindness, and a total misunderstanding of the situation. But after spending some time in it, recovering and adapting we begin to see and feel details that we have not seen in such a familiar to us and close light. And again when we are born it blinds us, it seems too sharp and bright, it brings us discomfort and pain. When the eyes become accustomed to the rays that fills the space around us with light, we are being transferred again, to the new, a qualitatively different level of knowledge of values of the endlessly unknown diversity of life, that is not yet known or understood to our senses.


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