Natalia Rusetska. "In front of Myself"

/ 09.07.2013—04.08.2013 /

Natalia Rusetska’s works feature a simplicity and depth. These qualities in sacred art is easy to imitate, but extremely difficult to achieve their sincere and direct representation. Natalia Rusetska succeeds it. Her works can not be confused with works of other artists not only because of individual expressive visual language, but primarily because of the deep emotions of the present.Rusetska’s icons are almost paradoxical: they exhibit God, but do not describe Him nor talk about Him.

You can visit the exhibition of paintings by Natalia Rusetska from from July 9 to 4 August  in the Contemporary sacred art Gallery ICONART at 26 Virmenska Str., Lviv, 79008, Ukraine from 12am - 7 pm every day except Monday.