Ulyana Tomkevych "Sacrificial Love"

/ 05.10.2021—31.10.2021 /

SACRIFICE Sacrificial Love "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." (The Gospel of Mark 8:34) God Himself gives us an example of infinite and saving love. The incarnation and life of Jesus Christ is the symbol of sacrificial love. The central commandment in the New Testament is the love of God. However, implementing this commandment is impossible without the second commandment, without the love of neighbour. Christ calls people in the same way, without waiting for an answer, to love one another. After all, the power of all-conquering sacrificial love saves and leads humans to eternal life. Only a heart full of love is open to sincere sacrifice. He loves people so much that He sends His Son to die for our salvation.


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