1st International Festival of Borderland Sacred Art

/ 26.08.2011—28.08.2011 /

The First International Festival of Sacred Art took place in Przemyśl on August 26-28. The idea of ​​holding it belongs to the Society of Admirers of Sacred Art of Przemyśl. A presentation of contemporary sacred art of Lviv took place within the framework of the scientific conference. ICONART Gallery presented a photo report from eight exhibitions it has organized since its opening and works by artists it intends to work with in the future. Ukrainian artists from Lviv, Oksana Romaniv-Triska and Olena Smaga, held a master class in icon painting on the square near the monument to Pope John Paul II.

festival is co-organized by:

the National Museum of Przemyśl, Podkarpackie Teachers' Education Center, Przemyśl Branch, Przemyśl Culture and Science Center, Zamek, Przemyśl Public Library, Przemyśl Regional Development Agency, Domek Ogrodnika restaurant, Lviv Contemporary Sacred Art Gallery, 


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