“Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ…” — these words come from the Eucharistic Prayer.
Once again, I turn to the theme of the Eucharist and transformation — a wondrous mystery of the cycle between spirit and matter that fascinates me. We dwell in Him, and He in us — a mystery we can sense with our hearts.
Today, in times of war, I reflect on the sacrifice of our people at the boundary of worlds: the civilized and the barbaric. Should we rejoice or weep over this inevitable path of suffering, which will one day surely lead us to the light through pain and transformation?
Do all nations bear such a burden? Why have You chosen us? Chosen for transformation? There remains but one path — to lean on You. Like a vine… To open our hearts and believe. To endure all the seasons of loss and acceptance. To learn to live in the here and now. To trust that You will care for us as the Good Vinedresser.
Kateryna Haneychuk