New icon at Savchenko Gallery

/ 04.12.2021—21.12.2021 /

“Together with the Lviv Contemporary Sacred Art Gallery Iconart, we present the works of painters associated with the International Icon Art Workshop in Nowica. Artists for whom topics such as Nativity, the Transfiguration of the Lord, or the images of saints are very important at the same time, they eagerly refer directly to the text of the Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments. Artists creating this environment interpret the Gospel message in the context of the time and place in which they live. Contrary to popular belief, the language and forms of this art are also changeable. Many of the artworks presented at the exhibition do not have their artistic prototypes. The artists, drawing on the centuries-old tradition of church art, have the courage to look for their own language in which they speak about the experience of faith. They do it in an original and innovative way. “Mateusz Sora


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