Anna Makać

I work as an iconographer for 30 years now and I've painted over 3000 icons.
I paint in classic style for private orders but for myself I paint in my own style that I call "modern-folk". My inspirations - Western Ukraine, Ethiopia, Georgia folk art, early Italian painting 12th, 13th. I mix all. Some of my modern-folk icons are painted in classic technology, in others I use new materials (metal, textiles, glass paints). I'm Rome-Catholic. I know canons of iconography but painting for myself I don't have to follow them. I have many friens-iconographers from Ukraine and I recognize styles of many others from various countries but I don't follow anyone.
Was born in 1966 in Gdynia (Poland).
Studied restoration of painting/ technology of painting/ art/ art history at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland). In 1991 received a Master of Arts in Restoration degree.
In 1992 was awarded a distinction by the Polish Ministry of Culture for her master’s degree project – restoration of an 18th century icon "St George" from Palekh.
Her icons are both in classic style respecting all iconography canons and in her own modern-folk style.
She had many solo-exhibitions in Poland, Germany and Denmark. She also took part in group-exhibitions of icons in Poland,England,Canada and Ukraine.
From 2005 she teaches iconography on iconography courses.
In 2011 she created and edited iconography manual.
From 2013 she took part in International Iconography Workshops for professional masters-iconographers in Nowica (Poland) and Zamlynie (Ukraine).
In 2016 and 2017 she coordinated the international art-project „Lutheran icon” for Finnish Lutheran Church.