Hlafira Shcherbak "Ascent"

/ 05.11.2021—05.12.2021 /

The Lord watches over the zealous. From the earth to the sky, from the search to the rising, from the bottom up - this is the path, the ascent. Life maintains a balance between opposites. Thus, a person ready to take responsibility to be themself, with all the beauties and bitterness, with all the joys and agonies, can be free and see, choose directions.

And the Lord, by earthly life, wants to take human's hand and lead them to incarnation. After all, whoever you are, you are just a seed, and you do not fully grasp what potential you have. That is why it is vital to constantly tend that a person does not lose the great; it is necessary to force them to see the significance in themself, to go to the immense and unconditional - love.

It is not the matter, visibility and form that nourishes, but the knot that gives the divided world its integrity. Not the words in the book, but the love, the wisdom of God, engraved in words. This exhibition is about the silence of the Lord, thanks to which the soul develops in its heart the ability to love in the ways that trust in God reveals. Unanswered prayer, and love begin where nothing is expected in return; it's a space in which you are free to be and choose all the paths that call to your heart.


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